Gospel City Church
Calling Us Home

Our Mission
- Calling One Nation to All Nations -
We may look of one nationality for the most part, but our hearts have been made new for all people.
“We are here to create a culture of discipleship by learning to hear and obey God. We are seeking to see the church live in the beauty of all she was intended to be so that the world may know Jesus, our glorious Savior King.”
A People Convicted for His glory, Compelled by His love, Commissioned to the world.
Our Values
Meet The Team
And Find Your Place

1 Chronicles 29:14: "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand."
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Gospel City Church,
7497 Persimmon Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95823
Thank you and God bless you!